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Gearresteerd voor de invoer van cannabis, cocaïne, heroine, amfetaminen en ecstasy in Duitsland?
Louis & Michaelis Advocaten in Duitsland is volledig ingevoerd in de strafrechtpraktijk. Wij zijn dan ook in alle opzichten uitgerust om uw verdediging ter hand te nemen.
In het commune strafrecht staan wij ondermeer cliënten bij die verdacht worden van invoer of uitvoer van drugs, zoals cocaïne, heroine, marihuana, amfetaminen en XTC.
Louis & Michaelis advocaten is lid van de Deutscher Anwaltverein (DAV), Anwaltsverein Essen e.V., Member in the Council of the Bars & Law Societies of the European Union.
Gevangenis: JVA Kleve – Geldern – Krefeld – Essen – Duisburg – Dortmund – Bochum
wij spreken het Engels en het Duits.
Louis & Michaelis – Advocaten behartigt de belangen van verdachten op ieder strafrechtelijk gebied, waaronder: Jeugd(straf)recht, Geweldsdelicten (moord, doodslag, openlijke geweldpleging, (zware) mishandeling), Drugszaken, Zedendelicten (ontucht, aanranding, verkrachting), Vermogensdelicten (diefstal, verduistering, heling, inbraak), Fraude en economische delicten, Verboden wapenbezit, Wegenverkeerswet (bijv. rijden onder invloed)
De belangrijkste basis voor het strafrechtelijk optreden in Duitsland is de „Betäubungsmittelgesetz“ (BtMG = opiumwet). De instanties voor strafvervolging werken bij de vervolging van drugsdelicten b.v. samen in gezamenlijke onderzoeksgroepen van de douane en de politie (Zoll / Hauptzollamt / Polizei).
Professional Resume
Clemens Louis was born in Munich, Germany, and lived from 1984 – 1993 in Tokyo, Japan and Richmond Virginia, USA, where he visited international and privat schools.
Mr. Louis achieved his high school diploma in Germany and commenced his studies of law at the University of Bonn, Germany. In the years 2000 / 2001 he studied European and International Criminal Law at the University of Malta, Malta.
Following graduation – already after only four years of studies – from law school, Mr. Louis served as an Assistant District Attorney for the Prosecutorial District in Essen, Germany for six months. He worked for the department of organized crime and commercial criminal law.
Louis & Michaelis represents clients from all around the world in and out of Germany, but primarily practices in his home State Nordrhein – Westfalia, Germany. Louis & Michaelis are experienced in court, representing clients on charges ranging from bank fraud, drug conspiracy, murder, and internet offenses, among others.
Informations for new clients
On a regular basis we defend clients from Holland, who are arrested in Germany. Please contact us, and we will organize everything. We can communicate in English or German with our clients. Otherwise we organize a translator. We will set up your visit in Jail. We will prepare our clients for the court case, and inform you on a regular basis.
Just give us a call under the phone number 0049 – 201 – 310 – 4600.
You can also send us an E – Mail: mail@rechtsanwalt-louis.de Please supply us with the Name of the client, his date of birth. We will then find out, where the client was arrested.
Our Law firm is located near the border to the Netherlands. Therefore we are able to visit our clients right away in prison. Don’t rely on a firm, that doesn’t have any knowledge in criminal defence law. Rely on Louis & Michaelis.
Usefull Addresses where your Relative might have been arrested:
Justizvollzugsanstalt Kleve Krohnestr. 11 47533 Kleve Telefon: (02821) 770-0 Telefax: (02821) 770-100 |
Amtsgericht Kleve Schloßberg 1 47533 Kleve Telefon: 02821 87-0 Telefax: 02821 87-100 |
JVA Duisburg – Hamborn Goethestraße 3 47166 Duisburg Telefon:(02 03) – 55 50 – 0 Telefax: (02 03) – 55 50 – 294 |
Amtsgericht Duisburg-Hamborn Duisburger Strasse 220 47166 Duisburg Telefon: (0203) 54404-0 Telefax: (0203) 54404-222 |
Hauptzollamt Bielefeld Lohbreite 6 33607 Bielefeld 0521 30470? 0521 3047100? – Fax |
Zollamt Coesfeld Mobile Kontrollgruppe Coesfeld Otterkamp 2 48653 Coesfeld 02541 8008-0? 02541 800809? – Fax |
Hauptzollamt Düsseldorf Am Stufstock 1-7 40231 Düsseldorf 0211 2101-0? 0211 41792120? – Fax 0211 2101222? – Fax |
Zollamt Bocholt Kaiser – Wilhelm – Straße 33 46395 Bochold 02871 21 70 0 02871 21 70 100? – Fax |
Hauptzollamt Duisburg Saarstr. 6 47058 Duisburg 0203 3008-0? 0203 3008129? – Fax |
Zoll / Hauptzollamt Duisburg – Außenstelle Emmerich Parkring 6 46446 Emmerich am Rhein 02822 – 96 10 02822 – 96 11 07 – Fax |
Zolldienststellen Geldern Max-Planck-Str. 5 47608 Geldern 02831 991580? |
Zoll / Hauptzollamt Duisburg – Außenstelle Emmerich Rheinpromenade 1 46446 Emmerich am Rhein 02822 – 961 – 0 02822 – 961 201 – Fax |
Hauptzollamt Glanerbrücke Enscheder Str. 49 48599 Gronau 02562 928-0? 02562 928100? – Fax |
Hauptzollamt Osnabrück Dienstsitz Nordhorn Stadtring 4 48527 Nordhorn 05921 7870? 05921 787400? – Fax |
Hauptzollamt Kleve Nassauerstr. 12 47533 Kleve 02821 5970? 02821 59755? – Fax 02821 597-67? – Fax |
Zollamt Bad Bentheim Autobahn Achterberg 100 48455 Bad Bentheim 05924 7892-0? |
Hauptzollamt Mönchengladbach Dohrweg 2 41066 Mönchengladbach 02161 65923-0? 02161 65923-29? – Fax |
Zollamt Rheine / Hauptzollamt Münster Neuenkirchener Str. 99 48431 Rheine 05971 9196? |
Hauptzollamt Münster Sonnenstr. 85 48143 Münster 0251 4814-0? 0251 4814200? – Fax |
Bundespolizei Elten Autobahn A3 Elten 46446 Emmerich am Rhein 02828 – 9156 – 0 |
Hauptzollamt Osnabrück Meller Str. 272 49082 Osnabrück 0541 5066-0? 0541 5066-111? – Fax |
Zollamt Lingen Georgstr. 18 49809 Lingen 0591 91286-0? |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=“1/3″][us_person image=“2075″ name=“Clemens Louis & Heike Michaelis“ role=“Advocaten Strafrecht“ layout=“cards“ img_size=“full“ email=“mail@rechtsanwalt-louis.de“]Alfredstrße 68-72
45130 Essen – Duitsland
Phone: 0049 – 201 – 310 460 – 0
Fax: 0049 – 201 – 310 460 – 20[/us_person][/vc_column][/vc_row]